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'Casey Jones:The Movie' Hits Internet

A while ago we told you about the new fan trailer-turned-fan film starring the infamous Ninja Turtles vigilante, Casey Jones. Those of you that paid attention were rewarded this Saturday previous with the full length (35 minute) short film about the hockey masked avenger and friend to pizza-loving amphibians everywhere.

Those of you that forgot that the launch day was this Saturday passed because it's an odd day to launch any kind of movie, then you can head on over to CaseyJonesthemovie.com and watch what could be the only live-action turtle action TMNT fans are going to get for a very long time.

As a side note, how many of you are following the Ninja Turtle comic re-boot that happened last month? This Wednesday will mark the release of the second issue in the new series and if it's anything like the first, I know I won't be disappointed.

Leave a comment or two about what you think of the new fan film or the the comic. And don't forget to 'Like' us on our Facebook Fan Page to keep up to date with all the latest news from our store and the martial arts in general.

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