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Did Someone Ask For 5 Minutes Of 'Mark Of The Ninja' Gameplay Footage?

Klei Entertainment's ambitious foray into the often overlooked world of 2-D stealth games has garnered some serious attention in the past few months. Mark of the Ninja has easily been one of this year's most hotly anticipated Xbox Live Arcade releases. And if the videos we've seen have been any indication, the hype is well deserved indeed.

If you've been following our tidbits on this stylish stealth game, you'll be able to appreciate the above gameplay video. Who are we kidding? Anyone with even half an inkling to stalk through the shadows as a ninja on a mission will get all giddy watching this footage.

Too bad the game itself isn't out until next month (October 2nd to be exact). In slightly related news, I shall be taking a week off from this blogging thing as of October 3rd. For that is the week I must make my official mark as a feared ninja by way of my Xbox.

UPDATE: So apparently Mark of the Ninja came out last week and nobody told me?! What do I pay you guys for?! Seriously, this game was an insta-buy for me after playing through the demo. Awesome. Just awesome.

(via Machinima)

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