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Gina Carano First In Line For 'The Expendables' Female Version

Earlier this week it was revealed that female MMA fighter and all-around martial arts pro Gina Carano will be the first to sign on for an upcoming action movie being touted as "the female version of The Expendables".

The movie is still in its beginning stages of production (a script is still yet to be written) but it comes from the same producers behind the popular Expendables franchise so hopefully we'll be able to expect something along the same lines as the well-received Expendables 2 of this Summer.

Check back to the KarateMart.com Martial Arts Blog for the latest news on this project as we find it. Oh, and you know we're going to be making our own recommendations for this new fighting female cast of action heroes, right?

(via Geeks of Doom)

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