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Newly Released Taken 2 Trailer Hints At Trilogy

Easily missed amongst the frantic rush to view the latest Skyfall trailer (which was sorely lacking in both close quarters martial arts combat and the grizzled voice of Liam Neeson), the new Taken 2 trailer was nearly identical to the first one. Nearly. (That last line is much more effective if you read it in Liam Neeson's voice. In fact, this entire post is better if read in Liam Neeson's voice.)

This latest trailer features a brief exchange between 'the man with a very particular set of skills' and the foreign guy he'll no doubt kill in violent fashion by roll of credits. Neeson explains "If I kill you, your other sons will come and seek revenge...and I will kill them too." Now it may be too subtle for any but the sharpest of wits to pick up on, but I'm going to go ahead and say it won't be long before we see a trailer for Taken 3: This Time They Have The Dog.

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