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Last Mortal Kombat: Legacy Episode Finally Gives Viewers A Fatality

The final episode to Kevin Tancharoen's hit web series set in the Mortal Kombat universe has finally hit the internets and delivers as promised. While fans of the series have been having to wait for nearly two months to see the conclusion to the loyal retelling of their favorite Mortal Kombatants, the final episode was released during last week's San Diego Comic-Con. You can watch the final episode here on the KarateMart.com Blog. You can also view our past posts to watch the series from the very beginning.

So there it is folks. What do you think, was it worth the wait? I was actually quite impressed with the special effects on the cyborgs. **SPOILER**It's just too bad the only fatality we got to see this season was from an obscure cyborg.

Oh well. Maybe next season. Unfortunately, Tancharoen was unspecific during this weekend's Comic-Con panel as to whether a second season would in fact be happening. When asked he simply explained that it would be up to the fans to decide. This could be a good thing indeed, since the web-series has garnered quite the following. Sadly, my hopes of a surprise feature-length movie announcement were dashed. If you're new to the series (shame on you) you can catch up starting with the first episode of Mortal Kombat: Legacy on our Blog.

Feel free to let us know your opinion of the series and who you'd hope to see in a second season!

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