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New Mortal Kombat: Legacy Webisode Hits The Internet

Tuesday is here and this week's Mortal Kombat: Legacy is for the Johnny Cage fans out there. At this point it seems like the narrative is switching over to tell Johnny's story, which is kind of a downer because I was totally hoping to see what goes down with Kano and Sonya. I'm sure it's going to all come together though.

**As a side note: While this episode still has some profanity and violence in it, this is actually the edited version. A note on the video actually says that the unedited video should be up on Friday for you folks out there looking for a little more trash talk in your webisodes.

Not a bad episode all in all. The last episode had me looking forward to something a little more violent. Pfft, I guess they're trying to build up a story or something here. But hey, I guess next week is supposed to have Mileena and Kitana so finally I'll get to see some of those fighting fans I've been waiting for. Until then, I'll just have to be happy throwing on a ninja uniform and playing the new Mortal Kombat game.

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