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New Kung Fu Movie Double Trouble Hits Theaters This Weekend, Stars Jackie Chan's Son

If you're neither a fan of special effects filled sci-fi flicks nor tales of computer generated talking animals that squeeze the last breath out every pop culture/music reference they can get their hands on may be hard-pressed to find a new movie to watch this weekend...unless you're a martial arts fan that is. Scratch that. As long as your a martial arts fan that's lucky enough to live in one of the city in which Double Trouble is seeing its limited release that is.

Harkening back to good old day of corny, goofy, and just plain-old-fashioned fun kung fu movies, Double Trouble is sure to snare curious martial arts fans solely on the basis that it stars Jaycee Chan (a.k.a. Jackie Chan's son).

The film centers around the recovery of of a an ancient priceless painting or some such thing- oh who the heck cares it's Jackie Chan's son for crying out loud just skip the talking zebra and watch it already!

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