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New Michael Bay Helmed Ninja Turtles Movie Reboot Delayed

Paramount Pictures, the studio in charge of the recently announced Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie re-imagining have officially pushed the release date of the film back to May 16, 2004. It would appear that pre-production has run on a little longer than estimated (perhaps trying to refine the whole mutant/alien origins fiasco?)

While Turtles fans around the world may be lower than a sewer-dwelling amphibian by now, this Turtle Power infused writer would like to take a quick second to look at the bright side. For one, any extra time devoted to fleshing out the details of a story in before filming should (hopefully) result in a much better final product.

I'm as excited as the next fan to see what the movie will have in store for my green childhood friends, but I'm willing to forgo a few extra months if it means a cohesive story (read: NOT Transformers 2).

(via Variety)

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