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Kevin Eastman Vouches For New Ninja Turtles Reboot

In a recent interview with MTV Kevin Eastman, creator of the beloved ninja mutant teens, loosed some general-opinion-defying remarks about new Ninja Turtles reboot being headed by Explosion King Michael Bay.

Eastman is quoted as saying: “From what I've seen, it's easily the best Turtle movie yet. We're talking Raid: Redemption-style fight scenes; we're talking about epic Rise of the Planet of the Apes sort of effects."

Whether or not the Turtle creator is the most unbiased source when it comes to the Turtles will remain to be seen. Still, his comments may help substantiate the previous rumors which cited The Raid: Redemption as a serious influence on the fight choreography of the new film. Plus, we all know how amazing the CGI was in Rise of the Planet of the Apes.

So maybe things are looking up after all?

(via Complex.com)

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