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The Dying Art of Ninjutsu: Interview With Japan's Last Ninja

You may run into the occasional citizen who has foolishly dismissed ninjas as mythical creatures that in no way should be feared. Strangely, these people seem to disappear shortly thereafter... But if they were to stick around long enough, you may want to point them to the video above as proof that ninjas do in fact exist. For how much longer is another matter entirely.

This all-too-brief interview focuses on one Jinichi Kawakami, a 63-year-old ex-engineer who also happens to be the 21st head of the Ban ninja clan. As of now, he has no interest in training an apprentice to be the 22nd. Kawakami has trained in Ninjutsu since he was 6 years old.

Check out the link below for more awesome tidbits.

(via New York Daily News)

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