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Possible Villains For New Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie Revealed

In an effort to keep you posted on the latest and greatest Ninja Turtles rumors circulating the great ocean of Internet, we've dug up this little gem thanks to the good guys over at Screen Rant.

Here's the scoop: A very reliable source who claimed to have gotten their hands on an actual TMNT script draft posted a Tweet that revealed the names "Krang", "The Technodrome", "Beebop", and "Rocksteady". Oh, and "Dimension X" is in there too. To longtime fans of the series, this list reads like an 80's kids dream come true. To everyone else, there's a trip to Wikipedia in your future.

Of course, as with any rumor, we should all be expected to take it with a Technodrome-shaped grain of salt, whilst simultaneously spouting such details as though they are fact.

Check out the link for the super-detailed version.

(via Screen Rant)

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