Street Fighter License Plates: What If Your Favorite World Fighters Had Vanity Plates?
(center)(a href="http://www.karatemart.com/blog/street-fighter-license-plates-what-if-your-favorite-world-fighters-had-vanity-plates")(img src="http://www.karatemart.com/images/blog/Street-Fighter_License_Plates-Banner.jpg")(/a)(/center)(br /)(br /)This week's KarateMart.com Photoshop fun seeks to answer one very important question pondered among gamers and martial arts enthusiasts alike: If Street Fighter characters had custom license plates, what would they look like?(br /)(br /)An important question to be sure, but one that finally has an answer thanks to the wonders photo manipulation software, and a bored mind.(br /)(br /)Gaze. Gaze you lucky few. You princes of KarateMart. You kings of the Interweb.
Florida's Newest Rising MMA Star Is A 9-Year-Old-Girl
(center)(object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" id="video" width="320" height="280" data="http://www.abcactionnews.com/video/videoplayer.swf?dppversion=19214")(param value="http://www.abcactionnews.com/video/videoplayer.swf?dppversion=19214" name="movie"/)(param value="&skin=MP1ExternalAll-MFL.swf&embed=true&adSizeArray=1x1000,320x40,3x1000&adSrc=http%3A%2F%2Fad%2Edoubleclick%2Enet%2Fpfadx%2Fssp%2Ewfts%2Fnews%2Fregion%5Ftampa%2Fdetail%3Bdcmt%3Dtext%2Fxml%3Bsz%3D%25size%25%3Bpos%3D%25pos%25%3Bloc%3D%25loc%25%3Bcomp%3D%25adid%25%3Btile%3D3%3Bfname%3Dmeet%2D9yo%2Dcaitlin%2Dmeathook%2Dkelley%2Da%2Dmma%2Dmixed%2Dmartial%2Darts%2Dfighter%3Bord%3D793868774541679600%3Frand%3D%25rand%25&flv=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eabcactionnews%2Ecom%2Ffeeds%2FoutboundFeed%3FobfType%3DVIDEO%5FPLAYER%5FSMIL%5FFEED%26componentId%3D189137614&img=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia2%2Eabcactionnews%2Ecom%2F%2Fphoto%2F2012%2F05%2F05%2F9yo%5FMMA%5Ffighter%5FCaitli72d43e87%2Df5e0%2D4718%2D9901%2Ddb35262b83cb0000%5F20120505085737%5F640%5F480%2EJPG&story=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eabcactionnews%2Ecom%2Fdpp%2Fnews%2Fregion%5Ftampa%2Fmeet%2D9yo%2Dcaitlin%2Dmeathook%2Dkelley%2Da%2Dmma%2Dmixed%2Dmartial%2Darts%2Dfighter&category=sports&title=9y%2Fo%20MMA%20fighter%20Caitlin%20%22Meathook%22%20Kelley%20dominates&oacct=&ovns=" name="FlashVars"/)(param value="all" name="allowNetworking"/)(param value="always" name="allowScriptAccess"/)(/object)(/center)(br /)(br /)The video above features a news segment spotlighting a fast-rising Florida MMA fighter whose heart is winning the affection and admiration of Florida fighting fans. What makes the story stand out? It's about 9-year-old girl, Caitlin Kelley.(br /)(br /)While the news piece itself lacks any real substance, the premise of the story should be enough to hold the attention of any martial arts fan. Already ranked 4th in her state for submission grappling, the up-and-comer has taken on a fair amount of competitors (boys as well as girls).(br /)(br /)Of course, at her age I was first in my household at grappling for an NES controller. So I've always had that going for me. (br /)(br /)(via (a href="http://www.themarysue.com/caitlin-kelley-mma-girl/")TheMartySue(/a))
First Ever Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Drawing Hits Over $50k, Two Days Left
(center)(img src="http://www.karatemart.com/images/blog/NinjaTurtle_FirstPageAuction.jpg")(/center)(br /)(br /)Remember (a ahref="http://www.karatemart.com/blog/kevin-eastman-auctioning-early-teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-artwork")a couple of weeks ago(/a) when we told you to start saving your change for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles auction where Kevin Eastman was expected to auction away the first ever drawing of the Ninja Turtles? Well the time to start counting your quarters is nigh, as the coveted artwork went up today and has thus far met the reserve price with a current bid of $50,000.(br /)(br /)The good news? There have only been 10 bidders so far. The bad news? There's still 2 days of auction left. The worst news? I couldn't afford this if there were 2 (i)(b)years(/i)(/b) of auction left.(br /)(br /)At this point I'd have better luck creating my own smash-hit comic book franchise and auctioning the artwork. ((b)Note To Self:(/b) Save all original sketches from (i)(b)Crazy Karate Curmudgeons In Space: Series 1(/b)(/i)) (br /)(br /)Source: (a href="http://comics.ha.com/c/item.zx?saleNo=7059&lotNo=92357&lotIdNo=152001&ts=off#Photo")Heritage Auctions(/a)
Bok Choy Toys Have A Game?!
(center)(iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/bRh6W1GLjB4?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen)(/iframe)(/center)(br /)(br /)We've been huge fans of these tiny toys for quite some time (it's true, (a href="http://www.karatemart.com/bok-choy-toys")here's proof(/a)), so when we heard that there was a game based on the popular Bok Choy toy line, we just had to check it out. After some serious digging (read: a Google search) we are happy to confirm the existence of the Bok Choy game, entitled (i)Bok Choy Boy(/i).(br )(br /)The game, playable in either your web browser or easily downloaded from the Apple App Store, is essentially a fun take on the tower defense game, complete with intriguing backstory.(br /)(br /)Continue reading for more details on the what is surely the best casual-video-game-inspired-by-vending-machine-toys that you'll play this year (at least until the (i)Li'l Homies(/i) game hits). (br /)(br /)Source: (a href="http://2bcb.com/index.php")Bok Choy Boy(/a)
"Drive of the Dragon" Has An Official Trailer!
(center)(object width="560" height="315")(param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/HJ0FmUpQF7E?version=3&hl=en_US&rel=0")(/param)(param name="allowFullScreen" value="true")(/param)(param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always")(/param)(embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/HJ0FmUpQF7E?version=3&hl=en_US&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true")(/embed)(/object)(/center)(br /)(br /)Remember a few weeks ago when we told you about the upcoming (a href="")kung fu short film/commercial featuring Formula One champion Sebastian Vettel(/a)? Well here's the official trailer.(br /)(br /)We were a little surprised at the funky, Seventies vibe the trailer hits you with. It comes off as campy, but it's better than taking itself too seriously.(br /)(br /)It's always a wise policy to stay as tongue-in-cheek as you can when you're making a car commercial centered around a kung-fu film premise starring an obscure martial arts actress and a champion race car driver, at least in our book.

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