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Some Martial Arts Bloopers to Brighten Your Friday

Friday is here, and you deserve a quick break from your long week, right? Well then click-on my friend and enjoy these hilarious videos of of martial artists whose hearts are greater than their skills. Some of these can be difficult to search or on your own (and by difficult I mean taking the time to search on YouTube). So, with your time in mind, we've gathered some of the funniest compilations all in one convenient place! Enjoy!

This is one of the funniest compilations we've seen around lately. I dare you not laugh at some of these.

These bloopers are pretty good, they've just been around for a while now. The guy with the apple gets me every time! He's terrible.

You gotta hand it to this guy, at least he keeps trying...for a little while at least. You know he picked up about a case of Arctic Ice pain relieving gel after that session.

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2 Comment(s)
Ray Finkel
7/23/11 - 8:59am
I feel so bad for the muay thai instructor in the last video. As a martial arts instructor myself, I've experienced similar things during demonstrations.
Steve Shaws
7/23/11 - 9:00am
The second video was pretty lame. You can tell the guy is just playing for the camera.

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