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Ten Martial Arts Gifts Any Student Would Love

Are you stumped on what to get the budding martial artists in your life? No worries! Here are 10 great martial arts gifts your future Bruce Lee will love.

1. Sparring Gear Set: This gift will probably be the most used gift that you give your rising marital artist. Sparring gear sets come with head gear, hand guards, foot guards and a mouth guard, to equip and protect a student while sparring. Prices start at around $50.

2. Complete Kicking DVD: This DVD is great for all martial arts styles and levels. The student will be able to learn, perfect and improve their kicks. In addition, kicks are explained in great detail and demonstrated. It is a must have for any student in martial arts and is reasonable priced at $19.95.

3. Belt Display: Every martial artist needs a belt display to showcase their achievements. Displays can hold up to 10 belts and come as a wall mount or free standing. Prices start around $25.

4. Gear Bag: Every martial artist needs a bag to transport their gear to and from the dojo. Gear bags come in a variety of popular styles and are a fairly inexpensive gift.

5. Martial Arts Shoes: Martial arts shoes are a great all around gift for any martial arts student. They are specially designed to help support and prevent injuries while sparring and practicing on mats. In addition, they help to keep feet dry, provide good grip and great support for those who have injuries. This makes it a fantastic gift for any martial arts student. Prices vary depending on the brand.

6. Martial Arts Picture Frame: Display those pictures from your last belt test with a unique martial arts style picture frame. They look great in a child's bedroom or above the fireplace.

7. Karate Christmas Ornament: A popular tradition is to buy a new ornament for the Christmas tree each year that summarizes the ventures of the previous year. If someone in your household invested much of their time in the martial arts, a new Christmas ornament is a great way to reward them for their hard work.

8. Karate Bobblehead: Collectible bobbleheads are popular because they look great on a desk or car dashboard. They are a low cost gift that is sure to be a hit this Christmas.

9. Way of the Warrior Book: With 360 pages covering over 300 different fighting styles, this hardcover book makes the perfect coffee table accessory.

10. Mini Desk Sword Set: Most martial artists love swords and our mini swords sets are a fun way to always have a letter opener handy when you need one. Mini sword sets look great on a desk and are an excellent conversation piece during tense meetings.

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