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10 Exciting Martial Arts Fight Scenes

The staff at KarateMart.com spent some time in a recent meeting to reminisce about some of our all-time favorite martial arts fight scenes. He is our list of “10 Exciting Martial Arts Fight Scenes in no particular order. Enjoy!

1. Legend of the Drunken Master: Final Fight Scene

2. Hero: Maggie Cheung and Tony Leung Chiu Wai

3. Return of the Dragon: Bruce Lee vs Chuck Norris

4. Kill Bill vol. I: Beatrix vs. The Crazy 88

5. Wheels on Meals: Jackie Chan vs Benny Urquidez

6. Kung Fu Hustle: Sing vs The Axe Gang

7. Fist of Legend: Chen Zhen vs. General Fujita

8. Transporter 3: Warehouse Fight Scene

9. Oldboy: Hallway Fight Scene

10. Karate Kid: Final Match Fight Scene

What are some of your favorite martial arts fight scenes? Don’t forget to check out our product review section and make sure you give us a like on Facebook.

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