Watch the Collapsible Bo Staff in Action!

Expandable Bo Staff Review & Strength Test

Expandable Bo Staff Review & Strength Test
This week for Weapons Wednesday, I decided to show off some of the different versions of the collapsible bo staff that we carry. We recently started carrying some new ones and I wanted to explain the differences and test their strength.

Last week, we released two new versions of the expandable bo staff on KarateMart.com. The first one is our 2-piece collapsible bo staff which is made in the USA and features a quick connect that allows it to very quickly convert from two telescoping police batons into a bo staff. The second one is a lower-priced 2-piece expandable bo staff that is made overseas and converts from two police batons into a bo staff using the included coupler. Both versions have their advantages, so be sure to watch the video to get a better look at each of them.

The main reason I decided to make this video is because our customers constantly ask how strong the expandable bo staff is. People want to know if the collapsible bo staff should only be used for practicing your forms or whether it can actually take some impact in a self-defense situation. In this video, I took some time to explain that and tested a couple of them out to see how strong they actually are. However, don't try this at home, because despite the fact that the staff can take some impact, misuse of your extendable bo staff could cause damage to the staff or injure someone in the process.

Here's the Video:

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