June 30th, 2021
This week for Weapons Wednesday, we took a look at some of our metal bo staffs. We often get the question, "What is the difference between an Aluminum and Steel Bo Staff?", so I took a little bit of time to answer this question.
June 16th, 2021
This week for Weapons Wednesday, we tested out some of our spring-loaded batons. We recently began carrying a new type of automatic police baton that uses a different style of trigger mechanism to release it's spring-loaded sections. Because it is so different, we've had a lot of customer asking me to review and test it out in order to determine it's advantages and disadvantages.
June 8th, 2021
This week for Weapons Wednesday, I decided to show off some of the different versions of the collapsible bo staff that we carry. We recently started carrying some new ones and I wanted to explain the differences and test their strength.
June 2nd, 2021
This week for Weapons Wednesday, I tested out two of our newest stun guns. We are constantly getting new items at KarateMart.com, and in order to make sure they are worth carrying, we like to test them out. Check out the video!
May 26th, 2021
This week for Weapons Wednesday, I decided to test out some of our swords. At KarateMart.com, we carry swords in all price ranges, so I wanted to test out one of our most inexpensive swords and one of my favorite samurai swords.