Make Your Own Iron Fist Halloween Costume
Make Your Own Iron Fist Halloween Costume
(p) Come see how to Make your own Iron Fist Costume with costumes and accessories available at KarateMart.com(/p)
Collapsible Bo Staff 2.0: The Next Generation of Staff
Collapsible Bo Staff 2.0: The Next Generation of Staff
(p)Our innovation ninjas never fail to deliver. This time, we have improved on a product everyone has come to love: The Collapsible Bo Staff. Are you ready to learn about what changes we have made to this unique weapon, found nowhere else?(/p)
Our Amazing New Brand Ambassador: Shinobi Sean
Our Amazing New Brand Ambassador: Shinobi Sean
(p)We sell lots of products here at KarateMart. But we are often so busy designing new weapons and simply running our website for our loyal customers that we don't devote enough time and energy to show off our weapons and what awesome ninja moves can be done with our exclusive weapons. This is why we are proud to present to you Shinobi Sean, Karate Mart's newest brand ambassador. But who is Shinobi Sean? What makes him so special?(/p) (p) (/p) (p)We first found Shinobi Sean on Instagram and liked his cool moves and awesome ninja cosplay. Sean performs some impressive moves with and without ninja weapons. We sat down with Sean to ask him a few questions about who he is and what he's about.(/p)
Jake Mace and the Sword of Fire
Jake Mace and the Sword of Fire
(p)Our parents told us not to mess with fire. They also said to avoid sharp objects. We didn't listen.(/p)
Easy Two-Person Bo Staff Drill
Easy Two-Person Bo Staff Drill
(p)Kyle and Matt are at it again with a new video showcasing a great bo staff drill you can do if you've got a friend and at least two bo staves. Click on the video below to watch. Maybe you'll learn a thing or two.(/p)

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