Striking Stars: A Martial Arts Celebrity Spotlight
(center)(a href="http://www.karatemart.com/blog/striking-stars-a-martial-arts-celebrity-spotlight")(img src="http://www.karatemart.com/images/blog/Celebrity-Spotlight-Banner-Ed_Oneil.jpg")(/a)(/center)(br /)(br /)Say hello to yet (u)another(/u) new series you can expect to find on a regular basis at the KarateMart.com Martial Arts Blog. With (i)Striking Stars(/i) we want to take a closer look at some celebrities that you may not have known were martial artists. You'll see everyone from sports figures to action stars and hopefully be able to take a little inspiration from their stories.(br /)(br /)Now let's get started with the very first of our (i)Striking Stars(/i): Ed O'Neill
New G.I. Joe: Retaliation Trailer Filled With Ninjas, Dubstep
(center)(iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/5THgCERowTQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen)(/iframe)(/center)(br /)(br /)There's an exciting new trailer out for the upcoming (i)G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation(/i) and it's got ninjas! Ninjas and a dubstepped remix of some White Stripes. Honestly, this trailer makes up for the entire last movie. I don't even care what the movie is about, I just want it to be 120 minutes of these ninja fight scenes with this song on a loop. The Rock and Bruce Willis can pop in during the credits, like the outtakes scenes in Jacki Chan movies.(br /)(br /) While we're on the topic, I've decided there are entirely too few trailers which feature ninjas, dubstep, or some combination thereof. In fact, as of this writing, I can count them on one finger. If I had to make trailers for a living I'd make sure ninjas were in every trailer at least once. People would be like 'Oh look! They're making a new movie of my favorite Jane Austen book!' Then in between the beautiful panoramic shots of Victorian England, they'd get a full helping of Snake-Eyes being awesome.(br /)(br /)Potential lawsuits aside, I can almost guarantee double attendance through liberal use of this patented new method. Seriously, it could have saved (i)Parker(/i) this weekend...(i)maybe(/i).
The Mental Game: Learn To Like Failing
(center)(a href="http://www.karatemart.com/blog/the-mental-game-learn-to-like-failing")(img src="http://www.karatemart.com/images/blog/The-Mental-Game-Banner-Lesson1.jpg")(/a)(/center)(br /)(br /)Today marks yet another addition to the KarateMart.com Martial Art Blog, The Mental Game.(br /)(br /)There are all sorts of articles on the internet full of martial arts tips that focus on technique. Learning the best way to pull off a successful spinning roundhouse kick or choke hold can be helpful, but what about the second half of your martial arts skill set? Of course, I'm referring to the mind. After all, a martial artist without a prepared mind is only working at half strength.(br /)(br /)This series will focus on very basic lessons of the mind and look to apply them to the martial arts. Which brings us to today's lesson:(br /)(br /) (b)Learn to Like Failing(/b)(br /)(br /)Continue reading to find out how failure just might be the key to your martial arts success!(br /)(br /)(source via (a href="http://99u.com/tips/7273/Why-You-Should-Give-Yourself-Permission-to-Screw-Up")99U(/a))
Redbox Review: Universal Soldier 4: Day of Reckoning
(center)(a href="http://www.karatemart.com/blog/redbox-review-universal-soldier-4-day-of-reckoning")(img src="http://www.karatemart.com/images/blog/Redbox-Review_Universal_Soldier_Banner.jpg")(/a)(/center)(br /)(br /)This post marks the first of what will hopefully become a regular series on the old martial arts blog. In brief, I'll be taking the newest martial arts flicks available to rent and reviewing them for you. What may appear at first to be a cleverly veiled excuse to write about the newest action movies is in fact a truly valuable service. A service in which I'll let you know whether said movies are worth your hard-earned free time. (br /)(br /)After all, your time is valuable right? When two hours of movie relaxation could be two hours of martial arts training, it's best to spend one's time effectively. A bad movie can be the deadliest of bullets, killing hours that you will never see again. I am here to take that bullet for you.(br /)(br /)So, without further explanation, let's get on with it. Continue reading for the thrilling conclusion to our thoughts on (b)Universal Soldier 4: Day of Reckoning(/b).
Mixed Martial Arts Star "Rampage" Jackson Sets Sights On The Boxing Ring
January 26th will mark the official break of former UFC light heavyweight champ Quinton "Rampage" Jackson from the UFC. While it's been no huge secret that the mixed martial artist has been unhappy in working under the promoter, what hasn't been quite clear is what his plans may be for his career after the UFC. Some questions were answered today however as Jackson held a conference today during which he expressed an interest in either boxing as kickboxing as possibilities. A true showman, Jackson was quoted as saying "I just want to entertain people. I want to be very exciting. Maybe I want to try some boxing or do some kickboxing". Unfortunately for (i)A-Team(/i) fans, there was no mention of acting. (br /)(br /)(via (a href="http://espn.go.com/blog/mma/post/_/id/16103/rampage-considering-move-to-boxing")ESPN(/a))

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