New Lightweight Karate Uniform for the Modern Martial Artist
New Lightweight Karate Uniform for the Modern Martial Artist
(p)Every year, we try to raise the bar by coming out with new products that put us on the map.  This year, we began sparring (no pun intended) with the idea of reimagining one of our best selling products, the lightweight student uniform.  After much time spent examining our previous uniforms and comparing them to other brands, we came up with what we feel is the perfect (a href="https://www.karatemart.com/lightweight-karate-uniform")lightweight karate uniform(/a) for the modern martial artist.(/p) (p) (/p) (center)(iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/smjwXpmqBv8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="")(/iframe)(/center)
Kickstarted 'Kung Fury' Premiers Today!
Kickstarted 'Kung Fury' Premiers Today!
(p)It wasn't but just over a year ago that, armed only with the trailer below, the creative talents behind (i)Kung Fury(/i) successfully Kick-started their film fantasies with a whopping $630,019 crowd-funded campaign that would allow them to complete their 1/2-hour short film.(br /) (br /) Last month the team generously laid an incredible, 80's inspired music video upon the Internet's doorstep (Click through for the video). The promise of an imminent release was made. Now, today finally marks the day that the action-starved masses can be satiated with the full release of their beloved indie film.(br /)
9 Year-Old Girl Amazes Britain's Got Talent with Her Martial Arts Skills!
9 Year-Old Girl Amazes Britain's Got Talent with Her Martial Arts Skills!
Recently, Jesse-Jane McParland, a 9 year old girl from Ireland wowed the judged on Britain's Got Talent with her amazing martial arts skills. She began practicing in the martial arts at the age of 3 and has only been studying for a total of 6 years. In the video, she states that she started in ballet and hated it, so began studying the martial arts. As a child martial artist myself, I am personally amazed by the dedication this girl must have to get to the level she is at.(br /)(br /)You can view the video below:(br /)(br /) (center)(iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/aEjGQB9BKWA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen)(/iframe)(/center)
April 2015 - New Products
April 2015 - New Products
(p)In this video, our customer service guy Ian takes a closer look at some of our newest products. The (a href="https://www.karatemart.com/halo-reach-energy-sword")Halo Reach Energy Sword(/a), the (a href="https://www.karatemart.com/compact-pepper-spray-keychain")Compact Pepper Spray Keychain(/a), the (a href="https://www.karatemart.com/rubber-ninja-keychain-toy")Rubber Ninja Keychain Toy(/a), and the (a href="https://www.karatemart.com/half-moon-throwing-knife-set")Half Moon Throwing Knife Set(/a).(/p)
Happy 75th Birthday Chuck Norris!
Happy 75th Birthday Chuck Norris!
For many of us, the high-kicking feats of the great bearded one served as our gateway to the martial arts. Come share in a short internet video celebration of Mr. Chuck Norris. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll see many, many roundhouse kicks.

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