Ryan Gosling Kickboxes His Way To Your Heart In 'Only God Forgives'
(center)(object width="560" height="315")(param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/j-nmf_-OnBE?hl=en_US&version=3")(/param)(param name="allowFullScreen" value="true")(/param)(param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always")(/param)(embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/j-nmf_-OnBE?hl=en_US&version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true")(/embed)(/object)(/center)(br /)(br /)In what has quickly become one of my most anticipated movies of 2013, Ryan Gosling will be teaming back up with (i)Drive(/i) director Nicolas Refn in his new martial arts movie (i)Only God Forgives(/i). Few details are known just yet, but all of the essentials are there: Ryan Gosling is set to play a vigilante who enters the enters underground muay thai matches. Yeah, sold.(br /)(br /)The quality on the teaser trailer above may look like it came straight from Bangkok (and it probably did), but just watch and enjoy. I'll be over here making a list of Ryan Gosling/martial arts jokes.
Self-Defense Technique of the Week - How to Escape a Full Nelson
Over the past couple of months, we began releasing self-defense technique videos on a weekly basis. During that time, we've had several requests by our readers to teach a technique showing how to escape from a Full Nelson. Full Nelson's are a popular street fighting move because so many people grow up learning the technique in high school wrestling. (br /)(br /) One of our favorite instructors, Shihan Albert Fabian, a 7th degree black belt in Aiki-Jujitsu from the Phoenix area, invited us to his home dojo to demonstrate how to easily escape a full nelson. Please be careful when practicing this technique so as not to injure your partner.(br /)(br /) (b)Video 4: How to Escape from a Full Nelson(/b)(br /)(br /) (center)(script type='text/javascript' src='http://video.karatemart.com/jwplayer/jwplayer.js')(/script) (div id='mediaplayer4')(/div) (script type="text/javascript") jwplayer('mediaplayer4').setup({ 'flashplayer': 'http://video.karatemart.com/jwplayer/player.swf', 'id': 'player', 'width': '600', 'height': '338', 'file': 'http://video.karatemart.com/Self-Defense-Video-4.mp4', 'image': 'http://video.karatemart.com/images/Self-Defense-Video-4.jpg' }); (/script)(/center)(br /)(br /) Check back next week for another technique!
Nicolas Cage To Join Expendables 3 Cast
(center)(a href="http://www.karatemart.com/blog/nicolas-cage-to-join-expendables-3-cast")(img src="http://www.karatemart.com/images/blog/Expendables-Cage-Banner.jpg")(/a)(/center)(br /)(br /)This past weekend saw an interesting (a href="https://www.facebook.com/TheSlyStallone.Ita?ref=stream")Facebook post(/a) from Sylvester Stallone in which he confirmed the circulating rumor that Nicolats Cage would in fact be joining the rest of the Expendables in their third film venture. The post is as follows:(br /)(br /)(center)(i)"We are preparing the film with the same passion and commitment as the previous two. We have confirmed Nicolas Cage, a master actor who gives a veneer intellectual group. Hopefully we can realize to Harrison Ford, Wesley Snipes and Mickey Rourke. That is the great mission of the producer. We will continue with the same narrative scheme, the agility and the frenzy, which are inherent to the saga. What will definitely be the last? I can not guarantee. In principle it would be two deliveries, but the affection of the people encouraged us to work on a third. I guess as long as we amused ourselves by offering fun and people, we can continue playing 'The Expendables'. For now we are not as expendable as it should and as some critics want."(/i)(/center)(br /)It might look like auto-correct got the better of Sly but the general message comes across in the post. Nicolas Cage will in fact be appearing in the third (though possibly not the last) installment of the over-the-top action series.
Chuck Norris Versus Hurricane Sandy 2012
(center)(a href="http://www.karatemart.com/blog/chuck-norris-versus-hurricane-sandy-2012")(img src="http://www.karatemart.com/images/blog/Chuck-Norris-Meme.jpg")(/a)(/center)(br /)(br /)One of our customer just sent us this picture and because of our love for everything Chuck Norris, we thought we'd share it with you.(br /)(br /)On a more serious note, our thoughts and prayers go out to those affected by Hurricane Sandy.
Self-Defense Technique of the Week - How to Escape a Headlock
One of the most popular self-defense techniques taught in martial arts classes around the world is the defense against a headlock. Chances are, sometime throughout your life, you have been unlucky enough to be put in a headlock. Growing up, I can't remember how many times I saw kids in my class put into headlocks and given a noogie. (br /)(br /) Shihan Albert Fabian, a 7th degree black belt in Aiki-Jujitsu from the Phoenix area, was nice enough to demonstrate how to properly escape a headlock. Make sure to be careful when practicing this technique so that you do not injure your partner.(br /)(br /) (b)Video 3: How to Escape from a Headlock(/b)(br /)(br /) (center)(script type='text/javascript' src='http://video.karatemart.com/jwplayer/jwplayer.js')(/script) (div id='mediaplayer3')(/div) (script type="text/javascript") jwplayer('mediaplayer3').setup({ 'flashplayer': 'http://video.karatemart.com/jwplayer/player.swf', 'id': 'player', 'width': '600', 'height': '338', 'file': 'http://video.karatemart.com/Self-Defense-Video-3.mp4', 'image': 'http://video.karatemart.com/images/Self-Defense-Video-3.jpg' }); (/script)(/center)(br /)(br /) Check back next week for another technique!

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