Found On The Internet: Dad Of 'Taken' Spoof Trailer Lacks Many Particular Sets Of Skills
(center)(iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/b9wfJO58OLU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen)(/iframe)(/center)(br /)(br /)Whether you've have an exhausting work week or are just looking for the latest funny video to land on the sordid shores of the Sea of Internet, we've got your back. Check out this spoof trailer featuring a premise that can be surmised as 'What if Taken were to happen for real?'. I for one know for a fact that if I get 'Taken', I've got a better chance of Liam Neeson stumbling across me on the way to the restroom.(br /)(br /)It's funny, clever at times, and well worth 3-minutes of your life. Many thanks to (i)Captain Hippo(/i), the creative team behind this and many other funny video projects. Check it out when you have a minute.(br /)(br /)via ((a href="http://captainhippo.com/")Captain Hippo(/a))
Expendables 2 Gameplay Footage Explodes Onto Internet
(center)(object classId="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="480" height="418" id="VideoPlayerLg60147")(param name="movie" value="http://www.g4tv.com/lv3/60147" /)(param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /)(param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /)(embed src="http://www.g4tv.com/lv3/60147" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" name="VideoPlayer" width="480" height="382" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" /)(/object)(div style="margin:0;text-align:center;width:480px;font-family:Arial,sans-serif;font-size:12px;color:#FF9B00;")(/div)(/center)(br /)(br /)So while we're going to have to wait until the 17th of this month to get our hands on the game itself, we at least have the above video to satiate our curiosities. Featuring a burly helping of gameplay, this fifteen minute video should confirm the suspicions of pretty much everybody that saw the (a href="http://www.karatemart.com/blog/the-expendables-2-video-game-detailed-with-screenshots")screenshots(/a) from last month. Feast and enjoy!
Newly Released Taken 2 Trailer Hints At Trilogy
(center)(iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/sb1oN8WJAh8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen)(/iframe)(/center)(br /)(br /)Easily missed amongst the frantic rush to view the latest (i)Skyfall(/i) trailer (which was sorely lacking in both close quarters martial arts combat (i)and(/i) the grizzled voice of Liam Neeson), the new (i)Taken 2(/i) trailer was nearly identical to the first one. Nearly. (That last line is much more effective if you read it in Liam Neeson's voice. In fact, this entire post is better if read in Liam Neeson's voice.)(br /)(br /)This latest trailer features a brief exchange between 'the man with a very particular set of skills' and the foreign guy he'll no doubt kill in violent fashion by roll of credits. Neeson explains "If I kill you, your other sons will come and seek revenge...and I will kill them too." Now it may be too subtle for any but the sharpest of wits to pick up on, but I'm going to go ahead and say it won't be long before we see a trailer for (i)Taken 3: This Time They Have The Dog(/i).
New Martial Arts Game Kung Fu Strike Hits Steam With Full Force, Xbox Soon
(center)(iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/BSZaof0V0Yg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen)(/iframe)(/center)(br /)(br /)Developer (i)QoocSoft(/i) hit the Steam Marketplace in a big way today with its new martial arts slug-fest (i)Kung Fu Strike: The Warriors Rise(/i). In what looks to be a very stylized, arcade beat 'em up, (i)Kung Fu Strike(/i) is looking to make an impression on both gamers and their pocket-books.(br /)(br /)Released today on PC for the very reasonable price of $9.99, it can even be found for an impressive 20% less depending on the online dealer. Not too shabby for a brand new title.(br /)(br /)Clocking in at 28 levels, the title may not be vying for all of your spare time (and really, is this such a bad thing?), but martial arts loving gamers out there should definitely get their money's worth from this title. For the console-bound players, an Xbox version is supposedly in the works. (br /)(br /)((a href="http://www.playkungfustrike.com/")Official Site(/a))
What Next? Some Olympians That Should Consider A Career In The Mixed Martial Arts
(center)(a href="http://www.karatemart.com/blog/what-next-some-olympians-that-should-consider-a-career-in-the-mixed-martial-arts")(img src="http://www.karatemart.com/images/blog/MMA-Olympics-Banner.jpg")(/a)(/center)(br /)(br /)The always entertaining sports blog, (i)Bleacher Report(/i), came up with a thoughtful list of 7 of the most well-rounded Olympians that should make the transition to the MMA.(br /)(br /)As would be expected, a freestyle wrestler take the top spot on the list, though there are some interesting considerations here. Notably Kayla Harrison, the current Number 2 ranked woman in the world for her (i)judoka(/i) skills. A hard-hitting match-up between Kayla and Ronda Rousey? Consider my ticket paid for. (br /)(br /)Check out the source link for the full list of Olympic-level fighters that could find success in the MMA. (br /)(br /)(via (a href="http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1273617-mma-in-the-olympics-7-olympians-who-should-transition-to-mma/page/8")Bleacher Report(/a))

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