The 5 Most Intimidating Martial Artists of All Time
Take a look at your shelf of classic movies. Depending on your taste and your definition of the word classic, you probably own a film with at least one of these intimidating martial artists in it. With so many martial artists out there, how do you decide which ones are the most intimidating? Movies and martial arts books were little help, and the web offers few reliable resources. So, we came up with a simple test to decide who made the cut. Ask yourself this question:(br /)(br /) "How would you feel if you were trapped on a desert island with one of these martial artists?"(br /)(br /) After mulling over dozens of terrifying tough guys, we decided on these martial arts mavens:(br /)
How to Jump Higher for Incredible Aerial Kicks
How to Jump Higher for Incredible Aerial Kicks
(p)Jump kicks are one of the most popular techniques in the martial arts. Undoubtedly, if you have ever attended a Taekwondo tournament or watched a martial arts movie, you've witnessed some spectacular jump kicks you wish you could perform yourself. While many martial artists have developed strong jump kicking techniques, few have developed a high enough vertical leap to bring the kick to its full potential.(br /) (br /) Jumping higher is not rocket science, but you need the right plan in place if you want to be successful. Here is a plan you can follow to help increase your vertical leap and greatly improve your aerial kicks. Please consult a doctor before performing any of these exercises.(/p)
Mystic Ninja Invades KarateMart.com
If you are a regular patron of the KarateMart website, you may have noticed a strange character hanging around some of the products lately. Last month, we were contacted by an authentic ninja from a small village in an obscure country who offered to review some of his favorite items on our website. We were hesitant at first and actually a little surprised that a ninja would be willing to enter into the public spotlight, but we decided to give him a chance. So far, we are noticing that his reviews are a little extreme to say the least, but they are pretty fun to watch. Here is an example of one of his reviews:(br /)(br /) (center)(object width=\"480\" height=\"385\")(param name=\"movie\" value=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/fPxPYDu4yxY&hl=en_US&fs=1?rel=0\")(/param)(param name=\"allowFullScreen\" value=\"true\")(/param)(param name=\"allowscriptaccess\" value=\"always\")(/param)(embed src=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/fPxPYDu4yxY&hl=en_US&fs=1?rel=0\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" allowscriptaccess=\"always\" allowfullscreen=\"true\" width=\"480\" height=\"385\")(/embed)(/object)(/center)
What Martial Arts Style Should I Choose?
Top 5 Funniest Karate Videos of all Time
In general, the martial arts are a very serious activity. But, every once in a while, it is a good idea to take a step back and laugh at some hilarious martial arts videos that have been filmed over the years. I spent some time this morning scouring the internet for the funniest karate videos of all time. If you are aware of any other really funny martial arts videos, please let us know...because we love to laugh. Now, sit back and enjoy these funny karate movies!(br /)

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